Low Calcium Diet Promotes Kidney Stones

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013

Women with a history of kidney stones have a higher absorption rate of calcium present in the diet. Consuming adequate calcium reduces calcium absorption from the gut and helps prevent calcium stones. Most people with calcium kidney stones mistakenly lower their calcium intake. Low calciium intake actually increases the absorption of calcium from the gut and increases the risk for kidney stones.

A study published in the April of 2012 issue of the Journal of Urology on 5400 women showed that those with the highest intake of calcium had about a 50% less chance of having a history of kidney stones. Those taking calcium supplements had a 30% less chance of having a stone. It is important to take a calcium supplement with a meal to prevent binding with oxalate, which is what kidney stones are most often composed.

Other factors helping prevent kidney stone development are adequate hydration, avoidance of salt, consuming an alkaline diet, avoiding soft drinks with phosphates, and consuming less animal protein.

Low Calcium Diet Promotes Kidney Stones (Video)

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