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submitted by: admin on 05/07/2015
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review the definition, treatment, and cause of ADD and ADHD in this very informative video. Far too many children and adults with attention deficit issues are improperly diagnosed with these conditions and also overtreated with stimulants and antidepressants. Natural alternatives are considered and the conflicts of interest blocking their...

ADD-ADHD Overview

submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
ADD and ADHD are characterized by distractability, impulsivity, and disruptive behavior. About 5% of school kids are diagnosed; this is massive overdiagnosis. The influence of Big Pharma and drug therapy is revealed and the drugs used reviewed. The role of essential fatty acid metabolic defects and the importance of psychotherapy highlighted. Be sure and check...


submitted by: admin on 05/07/2015
  ADD and ADHD are common diagnoses that now are reported to affect at least 5% of our children and many of these kids suffer from family or other social dysfunction that masquerade as these conditions. It is important to support our children with psychotherapy and general and targeted nutrition. While optimal nutrition with whole, unprocessed, unrefined...

ADD/ADHD Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
  Our ADD/ADHD Health Assessment asks you questions about how the diagnosis was made, what symptoms you have, how you are managing your symptoms, and what can be done to treat this problem with and without drugs.   ADD and ADHD are common diagnoses that now are reported to affect at least 5% of our children and many of these kids suffer from...

ADD/ADHD: NutritionalĀ SupportĀ Protocol

submitted by: admin on 05/07/2015
ADD and ADHD are common diagnoses that now are reported to affect at least 5% of our children and many of these kids suffer from family or other social dysfunction that masquerade as these conditions. It is important to support our children with psychotherapy, general and targeted nutrition. While optimal nutrition with whole, unprocessed, unrefined foods without...

ADD/ADHD: What are They?

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
The clinical characteristics of these conditions and their treatment are presented. Kids and adults suffer from three common factors: distractibility, impulsivity, and disruptive behavior are classic. Management of ADD/ADHD through drug and nutritional therapies and the importance of emotional support is discussed.                

Anesthesia Increases Risk for ADHD

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
Mayo Clinic researchers found that two or more surgeries requiring anesthesia in kids under the age of 3 more than doubled the risk for developing ADHD. Among 341 cases of ADHD who did not have two or more surgeries the risk for developing ADHD was 7.3%, but for those with two or more exposures, the risk increased to 17.9%. Alternatives to drug induced anesthesia...

Antipsychotic Drug Abuse in Children

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
Antipsychotic drugs are prescribed in one of three visits make to psychiatrists in the US and it is on the rise. Ninety percent of all prescriptions are off label and are used for conditions such as ADHD for which they are not approved by the FDA. These drugs that include Risperdal, Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, and Geodon are associated with weight gain and a...

Attention Deficit Disorders

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
In this extensive video, Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review what ADD/ADHD are, how they are overdiagnosed and overtreated, and what can be done to manage these children and adults.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder vs Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
New research shows that children's risk for learning and behavior problems and obesity rises in correlation to their level of trauma exposure. These findings should encourage physicians to consider diagnosing PTSD rather than ADD/ADHD, which can have similar symptoms to PTSD, but the treatment is very different. A Stanford University study examined kids...

Cell Phone Use in Pregnancy Associated with Behavioral Disorders

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Yale researchers exposed mice to a muted, silenced, cell phone for all 19 days of their pregnancy and found that there were changes in the brain similar to what is seen in ADHD. The offspring had hyperactivity and less memory. Data on cell phone health issues is slowly surfacing. It may be related to brain tumors and a variety of behavioral disorders.    

Neurologists Caution Against ADHD Drugs

submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
  The American Academy of Neurology published an article in the March 2013 issue of Neurology a statement advising against the use of neuroenhancing drugs to boost academic achievement is school tests in normal kids. They say the drugs have not been adequately studied in normal kids; it makes you wonder if these drugs are a good idea for kids with these...

Prescriptions for Health Radio Show April 15, 2011

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
Prescriptions for Health Radio Show April 15, 2011 Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki explore the following topics: Death by Medicine by Gary Null, PhD Drugs for ADD and ADHD Drugs for Diabetic Neuropathy The Photon Stimulator for Diabetic Neuropathy Do Doctor's Follow Their Own Advice? A Return to Healing Coenzyme Q10 Dangers of Radiation from Japan Vicki's...

The Drug Shortage "Crisis"

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Suddenly, out of nowhere, we seem to be facing what are being called "drug shortages" for some chemotherapy drugs, certain antibiotics, ADHD drugs, some anesthetics, and even electrolye solutions. Sounds fishy to me! While it is difficult to be certain, the lack of respectable ethics of Big Pharma makes one wonder what is going on. Could it be that...

Tylenol Now Linked to ADHD

submitted by: admin on 03/05/2014
More than half of pregnant women take Tylenol (acetamenophen) and according to an article published in the JAMA journal, Pediatrics, the risk of their child developing ADHD rose substantially. This was a study of 64,322 children and mothers in the Danish National Birth Cohort between 1996 and 2002.  The risk of developing a severe form of ADHD...

Why ADHD and ADD are Becoming a Pandemic

submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
According to a November 2014 article published in Social Science and Medicine, the diagnosis of ADHD and ADD are spreading like an infectious disease. Until the past decade, the US consumed 90% of the drugs used to treat these disorders, and the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Brazil the rest. Even though far more of these drugs are now used in the US, we...

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