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submitted by: admin on 05/07/2015
According to a report from the Manipal College of Dental Services in India was published in GreenMedInfo published in September of 2014, massaging your gums for 10 minutes a day for 4 weeks with olive, coconut, or sesame oil is slightly more effective in fighting plaque development and gingivitis as chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine has toxic "side effects"...
submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
This is an extensive review of what antibiotics do to the microflora of the GI tract. Many MDs overuse antibiotics "just to be sure" that a bacteria may be causing symptoms; this is very dangerous thinking. It is common knowledge that antibiotics are massively overused in treating colds, flus, ear infections, etc. Yeast syndromes, leaky gut syndrome,...
submitted by: admin on 09/18/2013
Dr. Len gives an overview of what asthma is and how it affects us. Triggers are reviewed and their mechanism of action are reviewed. The role of the intestinal tract and its microflora in causing immune reactions are explained. Treatment from both mainstream and CAM approaches are reviewed and leaky gut syndrome is explained.
submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
Dr. Len gives an overview of what asthma is and how it affects us. Triggers are reviewed and their mechanism of action are reviewed. The role of the intestinal tract and its microflora in causing immune reactions are explained. Treatment from both mainstream and CAM approaches are reviewed and leaky gut syndrome is explained.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Spanish researchers reported in the January 2013 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that there are more than 700 species of bacteria in normal human breast milk. They suggest that this is one of the factors leading to which bacteria will colonize the infant's digestive tract.
Mother's milk is primarily lactose, but it is...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Treating infants with antibiotics may predispose them to being overweight later in childhood according to an article published in August 2012 in the International Journal of Obesity. When treated in the first 5 months of life, the risk among 10,000 infants of being overweight was 22% higher than those not treated with antibiotics. The type of microbes...
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Research in the prestigious FASEB Journal suggests that the types and levels of microbes in the intestinal tract may predict a person's chances of having a heart attack. It further suggests that modifying this microbial flora may help reduce the likelihood of having a heart attack. This is a revolutionary milestone in the prevention and treatment...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Chronic use of antibiotics may help with chronic urinary tract infections, but they also effect the microflora in the GI tract. E. Coli cause 80% of all urinary tract infections. When E. Coli sticks to the lining of the urinary tract it causes inflammation of the urinary tissues. A simple sugar that the body cannot metabolize coats E. Coli and prevents them from...
submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Altered gut microbiota is associated with heart attacks and strokes. A Swedish study published in the December issue of Nature Communications showed that the gut microflora in people with stroke had less capacity to produce carotenoids and could be part of the reason why they suffered from a stroke.
Carotenoid supplements show mixed results in...
submitted by: admin on 03/24/2014
The microflora of the gut have more metabolic activity than any organ system in the human body. They live in a complex ecosystem that consists of trillions of microbes with which we live in a critical symbiosis. Studies in mice show that when they are treated with oral antibiotics their behavior can change from outgoing and curious to passive and withdrawn. As...
submitted by: admin on 04/24/2014
Studies from the Wistar Institute published in April of 2014 suggest that the microbes that make up the microflora of the intestinal tract can suppress DNA repair in the cells lining the intestinal tract and lead to colorectal cancer. It is only recently that most gastroenterologists have begun to appreciate the importance of the microflora in the gut. We...
submitted by: admin on 03/31/2015
A study from the Mayo Clinic published in the PloS ONE in June of 2012 showed that the gut microflora regulate the immune system and may be directly related to autoimmune disorders such as ulcerative colitis, and diabetes. In fact, the gut microbiome may be used as a biomarker for this predisposition and it may be possible to prevent autoimmune diseases...
submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
According to the October 2014 issue of the journal, Nature, artificial sweeteners such as saccharine, Splenda, and Nutrasweet (aspartame) cause changes in the human microbiome (intestinal microflora) that lead to glucose intolerance (insulin resistance) within one week in more than half of the subjects of a small study. When stool from these people was tranplanted...
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
A recent Cedar-Sinai study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in April of 2013 could predict who is obese based on a breath test for hydrogen and methane. The question raised is are there bacteria in the gut that cause obesity by allowing the body to extract calories better. The issue that was not raised is could having...
submitted by: admin on 02/23/2025
Most of the time we associate fiber with bowel health, especially constipation. However, fiber has a prominent role in lowering hypertension, weight, and cholesterol and has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease later in life. We need between 25 and 40 grams a day of fiber and this can easily be achieved by filling two thirds of your plate with fruit,...
submitted by: admin on 10/19/2013
Researchers from Johns Hopkins and University of Maryland medical centers published an article in the October 2013 issue of the journal, Menopause, showing that the microflora in the vagina changes throughout a woman's reproductive life and that abnormalities in this microflora can cause vaginal dryness and painful intercourse (dysparunea).
submitted by: admin on 11/21/2013
An article published in the journal of the American Society for Microbiology called mBio showed that both inflammation and a certain microbiome contribute to the development of colon cancer in mice.
Researchers transferred a stool sample from mice with colon cancer to germ-free mice and found that the incidence of colon cancer double that when compared...
submitted by: admin on 07/10/2014
While it has been suspected that the GI microflora have a profound effect on human physiology, there has not been a lot of data supporting that the changes in physiology determine the resulting composition of the microflora. Now there is a study supporting that the microflora can be altered and this can change insulin sensitivity and decrease the risk for developing...
submitted by: admin on 02/23/2025
Prescriptions for Health Radio Show May 6, 2011Dr. Len and Nurse VIcki explore the following topics:
The influence of salt in primary prevention of heart attacks and strokes
Intestinal microflora types
Diet for diabetics: The ketogenic diet
Insomnia causes type 2 diabetes
Why night owls tend to put on weight
Ideal blood sugars increase mortality in people...
submitted by: admin on 02/23/2025
Leaky gut syndrome is defined, its diagnosis, and mechanism of action described. The role of the microflora of the intestinal tract in maintaining normal sized intestinal pores is reviewed. The physiology and pathology of leaky gut syndrome is reviewed.