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Estrogen Blockers for Breast Cancer Treatment

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  Estrogen blockers (Tamoxifen) are often used to treat breast cancer with estrogen sensitive tumors in premenopausal women. Yet there are problems such as an increased rate of uterine cancer and clotting problems. In postmenopausal women, most estrogen does not come from the ovary; it comes from estrogen production in fat tissues and from the conversion...

Ethical Issues in Medical Research

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Yale School of Medicine researchers found a clinical trial with neurontin was a seeding trial used by Big Pharma to promote the drug and increase prescriptions. Seeding trials are not illegal but are unethical because they offer no research. They took advantage of 2700 patients and 772 investigators to complete the publication. These people gained nothing for...

Exercise and Good Diet Extend Life in Elderly Women

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Women in their 70s who exercise and eat healthy amounts of fruits and vegetables have a longer life expectancy according to information published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society. In a study of 713 elderly women, women who were the most physically active and had the highest comsumption of fruits and vegetables were 8 times more likely to live...

Exercise for Hypertension

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Exercise is very powerful medicine that can treat hypertension, depression, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, osteoporosis, congestive heart failure, and many other  conditions that are reviewed. Exercise should be encouraged at every age and in every community. The type of exercise that is best is also reviewed.    

Exercise Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  When you take our Exercise Health Assessment you'll answer questions about how much exercise you do, how intense it is, what your physical limitations might be, if you have an illness that can be helped by exercise, and coached (if you want) about nutritional supplementation.   While is is very important to consume the raw materials...

Exercise is Key for Good Sleep

submitted by: admin on 03/31/2015
  The National Sleep Foundation's 2013 Sleep in America poll showed that self-described exercisers report sleep that is twice as good as self-described non-exercisers; and that the more vigorous, the more beneficial. Although both groups slept the same amount, 6 hours and 51 minutes, the quality of sleep was vastly different. More than 2/3 of vigorous...

Exercise Makes You Smarter

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
A study done at the Montreal Heart Institute in October of 2012 showed that high intensity interval training made overweight and inactive people aged 49 years old healthier and also smarter! Scientists set up a program lasting 4 months where people exercised twice weekly with interval training and twice weekly with resistance training. They measured cognitive...

Exercise Makes You Smarter

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  A study in October of 2012 at the Montreal Heart Institute showed that high-intensity interval training makes middle-aged people both healthier and smarter. The program was 4 months long and consisted of 2 days a week of interval training and 2 days of resistance training. Cognitive function and physical conditioning improved greatly, showing that...

Fat: How Much Do We Need?

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
We need fats in our diet that include both saturated and unsaturated fats, especially essential fatty acids. We need cholesterol but don't need any trans fats. The reasoning behind the fat phobia in the US is reviewed.

Fats: What You Need to Know?

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
There are fats that kill and fats that heal. We describe the types of fats and oils and which ones your body must have and which are poisonous. Essential fatty acids are those fats your body cannot make but must have.

FDA May Allow More Drugs Over-the-Counter

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  The FDA is considering allowing more drugs to become over-the-counter as their patents run out. This, of course, would make it possible for Big Pharma to make greater profits. However, there are serious challenges related to safety in using drugs such as statins and drugs for type 2 diabetes that would emerge. Most people are not sufficiently educated...

FDA Supplement Regulation

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Should supplements be regulated by a competent FDA is a legitamate question. There are too many false claims on supplements and regulation is limited by the FDA. There is also a political aspect involving Big Pharma, physicians, and the supplement industry that gets heated. There are about 10,000 hospitalizations caused by use of supplements, but millions from...

FDA warns MDs about using hydroxychloroquine

submitted by: admin on 05/21/2020
FDA warns MDs about using hydroxychloroquine Hydroxychloroquine is already approved for safety and has been used in medical practice by MDs for decades for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies were done in 2005 documenting its value in SARS. While the FDA has allowed its use in the hospital setting, it has condemned it for use out of the hospital. The...

Fibromyalgia Overview

submitted by: admin on 12/23/2019
This is an introduction to what fibromyalgia is and the challenges we have in making the diagnosis. Mainstream and CAM treatments are reviewed. There is a defect in energy production that can be measured. Management of the pain is straightforward most of the time using infrared light therapy, a balance of rest and exercise, and somatic therapies.            

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  Modern medicine does not have very effective treatment for people suffering from the family of diseases that include fibromyalgia (FM), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). Mainstream treatment remains entrenched in using a wide variety of drugs intended to relieve the gastrointestinal, endocrine, immune, psychological,...

Fibromyalgia: An Overview

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and multiple chemical sensitivities have many overlapping symptoms. The clinical picture is reviewed. Mainstream treatment leaves much to be desired. Orthomolecular medicine offers deeper insights into complex biochemical abnormalities these diseases show. The theory of cellular malfunction is reviewed.

Financial Conflicts of Interest Affect Medical Research

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Research has documented that 91% of randomized clinical trials that have a financial conflict of interest (FCOI) have a positive outcome compared to those that do not. The most common FCOIs include research grants, employment, honorariums, and share ownership. Of the more than 100 studies reviewed, FCOIs were present more than 50% of the time! This data confirms...

Finding Breast Cancer Sooner

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the age of 40-44. We are trying to find breast cancers earlier in hopes of curing more. Yet screening technology is not working. Of the women who had breast cancer 28% had a mammogram and it was missed. Most biopsies are negative; this leads to excess cost and worry.          

Finding the Cause of Pain with Alon Marcus, OMD

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Dealing with pain is important but unless we determine the underlying cause, our treatment can be off base and lead to too many ineffective treatments. An inquiring mind is key to embracing this approach.

Flax Seed Oil

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Flax seed oil is a wonderful source of both omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids. The differences between fish and flax are discussed. The amounts and benefits of each needed are discussed.          

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