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Healing With Enzymes Ellen Cutler, DC, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Digestion is just one aspect of what the GI tract does. It also regulates absorption and blockage of toxins and immunity. It is the first gate of entry into the body and its importance is generally far underappreciated. Enzymes can be used to profoundly affect digestion and the products it creates that are related to health and disease.        

Health Assessments on

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
  Our "Public"  Health Assessments are designed to help you measure your own health and well-being. What we present here for non-Members is a window into the extensive and sensitive educational and empowerment tools that we offer Members.  In a Public Survey, you don't need to provide your name or any personal...

Health Care Cuts are Inevitable

submitted by: admin on 09/23/2013
  The failure of the congressional super committee triggers a 2% across the board cut to Medicare. This is just the beginning of what is likely to happen to Medicare services as Congress attempts to balance the nation's budget.. This, of course, will lead to fewer MDs and hospitals accepting Medicare patients. It will also most likely lead to raising...

Health Medicine Center Description

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024

Health Medicine Forum: Is It Time to Make Health Freedom a Constitutional Right?

submitted by: admin on 07/02/2014
                        Home - Events - Media - Membership - About HMF - Contact Us - Healing Circles                         By Dr. Len Saputo, with Byron Belitsos Neither the Declaration of Independence nor...

Health, Politics, and You: A Blog by the authors of A Return to Healing

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
                                                 Health, Politics, and You: A Blog by the authors of A Return to Healing

Heart Attacks

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Heart attacks are the leading cause of death in the US, yet a hundred years ago they were a rarity. Artiosclerotic heart disease is a preventable disease that is nearly always reversable by living a health lifestyle. Heart attacks are an epigenetic disease caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, insufficient sleep, being overweight, being exposed...

Heart Attacks Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  If you have had a heart attack it is necessary to deal with the reasons why this happened. Our Heart Attack Health Assessment will explore this as well as managing complications, supporting heart nutrition, considering tests that are infrequently done in the mainstream that are very important for both treatment and for predicting future problems, and...

Heart Attacks Overview

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  The causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and consequences of heart attacks are reviewed. Laboratory tests to assess the extent and dangers of arteriosclerosis are described and mainstream and alternative forms of treatment offered. Prevention and reversibility are reviewed.            

Heart Nutrition and Congestive Heart Failure

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Using nutritional medicine to support heart function is critical, especially in congestive heart failure. Drugs may be necessary, but they all have side effects and should be used only after safer nutritional approaches are tried unless there is an emergency.             

Heavy Metal Detoxification with Catherine Fehrmann, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
Amalgam removal is very complex and should be supervised by an expert in detoxification. Dr. Catherine Fehrmann explains aspects of how this can be diagnosed and treated safely and efficiently.

Hiatal Hernia Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  Dr. Saputo's Hiatal Hernia Health Assessment investigates your symptoms, treatment, possible complications, workup, and offers nutritional approaches to managing this disorder. You will get instant feedback in audio and video that will educate and guide you to making wise choices about how to manage your condition.   Hiatal hernias...

High Calcium Intake Doubles Risk for Heart Disease

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Calcium intake above 1400 mg per day is associated with doubling the risk of dying from a heart attack in both men and women. There are many studies showing that in women with osteoporosis who take large doses of calcium are at risk for both heart attacks and stroke. Although it may be logical to try and replace the lost calcium in bone in osteoporosis...

HIV and Insurance Rescission

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Health insurance companies outright cheat many people who develop chronic disease that will cost a lot of money to treat them. Historically, with newly found breast cancer are simply denied further insurance once their diagnosis is made. This is know as recission, and it is illegal, but they do it anyway and usually get away with it because these individuals...

HIV/AIDS with David Rasnick, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
The controversy between the mainstream and CAM thinkers is very interesting. We review the arguments and conflicts of interest.

HMO Medicine, Consequences of Insufficient Time

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
We are losing personalized care with HMO medicine. The one size fits all approach, lack of personal continuity, and fragmented care is now what is offered. Medicine is becoming a job rather than a passion.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Beyond Mammography

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
The Women's Health Initiative documented that instead of preventing breast cancer, heart attacks, and strokes that it did just the opposite. The story behind the creation of HRT is shocking and Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki share it. The financial greed of big pharma is exposed. Yet women need help with their symptoms of menopause that make their quality of...

Hot Flashes May Protect the Heart

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
Hot flashes and night sweats with menopause are a nuisance for women, but the good news is that their suffering may not be in vain.  Research has shown that women who suffer from hot flashes and night sweats may be at a lower risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke and death.                    

How a Hip Resurfacing Procedure nearly Killed Dr. Len

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Being the Patient The importance of patient empowerment Len Saputo, MD Introduction Surely doctors must know what is best for their patients. Right? Don't be so sure! Yet most doctors take the position that because they are trained for a decade or more they have a tremendous advantage over their lesser trained patients. After all, that is why...

How Do You Know if the Treatment Your Doctor Prescribes is Good for You?

submitted by: admin on 03/05/2015
How Do You Know if the Treatment Your Doctor Prescribes is Good for You? According to an article published in the NY Times on February 2, 2015, far fewer people benefit from medical treatment than we're led to believe from our doctors, advertisements such as direct to consumer TV ads, ads in medical journals, and even in medical journal articles, and...

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