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Should You Take the Swine Flu Vaccine?

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
This vaccine is a scam. The data supporting its value is non-existent and the risk for side effects untested. There are no studies proving its effectiveness and the illness is less dangerous than the regular flu.

Sleeping Pills: The Answer to Insomnia?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Sleeping pills are a short term solution, but addiction and tolerance develop and they're no better than placebo, especially over the long haul. Relaxation is the key to allowing sleep. Pain, stress, hot flashes, depression, and sleep apnea are discussed. Treatment with drugs, herbs, supplements, essential oils are reviewed.          

Smoking and Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Post menopausal women who smoke or used to smoke have a 16% higher risk of developing breast cancer and there is a study that also says that women who have had extensive exposure to passive smoking, either as a child or as an adult, may also have an excess risk of developing breast cancer.  There are many more things that can also increase your risk, such...

Social Ties, Calmness, and Purpose for the Elderly with Lily Sarafan

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Healthy longevity is discussed. With the cessation of employment elders need additional stimulation through social ties. Many seniors have much to contribute and staying mentally and socially active supports this.        

Sodas Deposit Fat in Liver, Muscle, and Abdomen

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Drinking a liter of soda a day for 6 months increases the amount of fat that will accumulate in the liver, muscles, and abdomen by 25% according to a December 2011 article published in the AJCN. This has been linked to the metabolic syndrome, the precursor of type 2 diabetes, and all of its complications that include hypertension, heart attack, stroke, and obesity....

Solitude in Everyday Life with Robert Kull, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Being in the present was the purpose of living in the wilderness of Southern Chile for Robert Kull. His stories and their lessons are shared. Past and future are ideas that exist in our minds in the moment. We need to learn to live with what we do have rather than what we don't have. Accepting that we are judgmental and rejecting helps us deal with life.          

Solitude with Robert Kull, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Spending an entire year in the wilderness and harsh weather of Southern Chile was a calling for Bob Kull. He learned that there is a profound reality beyond the ego and that duality and unity are in a single spectrum. Learning to be with himself was one of his lessons.          

Solstice with Phillip Scott

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Winter Solstice is a sacred threshold between the light and dark that allows us to move into the time of profound dreaming, a time for internalization, replenishment and recuperation.

Solutions for Spousal Abuse

submitted by: admin on 04/10/2015
  Spousal abuse is far more common that most of us realize. Actually, abuse is common in most marriages; perhaps that is why 50% of marriages end in divorce, 67% of second marriages end in divorse, and 75% of third marriages end in divorce. It is why marriage couselling is so common! All to often courting leads to both people being on their best...

Somatics and Peak Performance with Nirinjan Yee

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Building on our strengths to increase our capacity is a powerful tool. Movement and breath help us access peak performance at every level. Being in the moment allows us to fully concentrate on what we're doing; it is the zone.          

Some Doctors are Firing Patients Who Refuse Immunizations

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Many pediatricians are firing patients and their families if they refuse vaccines for their children! Two studies on this subject showed that 20-30% of pediatricians have fired patient because of this. Patients are beginning to do their own research about the validity of immunizations and there is clearly room for controversy. Yet our pediatricians simply follow...

Spontaneous Cancer Remission

submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
Many breast cancers resolve on their own. Autopsy studies show that about 30% of women in their 50s have occult breast cancers that apparently come and go. It makes one wonder if we are massively overdiagnosing cancers and overtreating them as well. The trick is to know which cancers are dangerous and in need of treatment. Studies on mammograms over time have...

SSRI Antidepressants are Risky in Pregnancy

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The October 31, 2012 issue of Human Reproduction published an article from Harvard and Tufts Medical Centers stating that SSRI antidepressants should not be used in pregnancy because they lead to worsened pregnancy outcomes, have not been shown to be of benefit, and are massively overused in clinical practice. This family of drugs is associated with...

Stage 4 Chemotherapy Benefits Over-estimated by Patients and Doctors

submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
  Patients with advanced cancer have the mistaken belief that chemotherapy can cure their illness according to a New England Journal of Medicine article published in October of 2012. This Dana-Farber  Cancer Institute study showe that 69% of advanced lung cancer and 81% of advanced colorectal cancer did not understand that chemotherapy was not at...

Stainless Steel, Douching, and Vaginal Infections

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Vaginal infections are caused by bacterial imbalances. Water in stainless steel containers can cure vaginosis! How it works is not known but it is safe and is effective. Probiotics and garlic are touched upon.          


submitted by: admin on 04/12/2015
  For primary prevention of heart attacks there's no data showing that there's an increase in survival. And there are many side effects of statins that are problematic such as liver inflammation, peripheral neuropathy, muscle inflammation, type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, global amnesia. Lifestyle is still the major way to stop and reverse heart...

Statins Cost 400% More in the US than the UK

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
In the US the cost for statins for people under age 65 and who have insurance is about 400% higher than in the UK according to an article in the journal Pharmacotherapy. There are also about 1/3 more prescriptions sold in the US. The power of Big Pharma is mind-boggling. There is a desperate need to rein their power and create a system based on service rather...

Staying Young Forever with Lani Simpson, DC

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Anti-aging strategies and dangers of Premarin, Provera, and Botox are discussed. Big Pharma can sell most anything to both patients and doctors. The Women's Health Initiative Study showed how dangerous HRT is.                

Steroids and Sports with Phillip Miller, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Are steroids unfair in sport. Hear the unusual perspectives of Dr. Miller. Both testosterone and growth hormone are illegal, but how much good do they do? He also feels that these antiaging hormones are valuable as we get older. If we are active weekend warriors, by the time we're 50, we start getting injuries...these hormones can prevent them.          

Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones, but Words...

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
  Emotional abuse can be as severe as physical and sexual abuse and any form can lead to severe disabilities later in life. This includes belittling, denigrating, terrorizing, exploiting, emotional unresponsiveness, or corrupting a child in a way that jeopardizes safety and often leads to making the child feel worthless, unloved, or unwanted. This...

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