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Regulation of Supplements

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The regulation of supplements is problematic. We clearly need regulation because supplement companies tend to make statements about what they do that is not proven, but at the same time we also need to have access to using them, especially if they are safe. A balanced regulation is what is needed. MD control of supplements is being suggested; yet they...

Relationship Science and Spirituality with Beverly Rubik

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Science and spirituality are at separate ends of the same spectrum. In terms of quantum physics we've learned that the conscious observer influences the outcome of what happens in life. New age thinking has similarities to new age narcissism in the it tends to assign power to the individual rather than thinking in terms of oneness.

Replacing Effort With Skill, Part 1 with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Effort is misunderstood. If we fail we tend to try harder, even though it did not lead to success. Practice to make things easier on purpose leads to improvement. As things get easier, you are getting better.

Rethinking Health Care Funding

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The rate of spending for health care has outstripped economic growth in almost every country for the past 15 years. There aren't obvious ways of controlling health care costs that seem realistic. Approaches that have been considered include Universal Health Care programs, cuts in health care services, increasing taxes, entrusting more services...

Rice Bran May Prevent and Treat Cancer

submitted by: admin on 02/17/2015
  The December issue of Advances in Nutrition reports that rice bran has cancer preventing properties and may also work to slow the progression of colon cancer. Its activity includes slowing down cell proliferation, altering cell cycle progression, and stimulating apoptosis. Only brown rice, not refined white rice, works. It also stimulates the development...

Risks for Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Genetics only accounts for 5-10% of cancers. Environmental and lifestyle factors have a lot to do with getting cancer. Estrogen is another big player in causing cancer. The role of methylation is discussed.        

Rites of Passage with Phillip Scott

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Often times we think of conditions such as menopause as a disease! However, in many ancient traditions, menopause is looked at as a rite of passage. Chief Black Horse gives us examples.

Roots of Depression with Julie Motz

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Prenatal events have a powerful effect on emotional development. There are methods of taking us back to these early experiences to re-explore them. Looking back to prenatal life is a new concept in managing depression.            

Science, Spirituality and Covid 19 and Where we are Now!

submitted by: admin on 08/07/2020
We are learning that we cannot trust the information, recommendations,  and mandates of our government when it comes to Covid 19. There is an abundance of misinformation that changes over time and often makes no sense. We are depending on a test for diagnosis that is far from accurate, data on theprevalence and mortality that is simply...

Screening Does Not Reduce Prostate Cancer Deaths

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Screening does not significantly reduce prostate cancer deaths but it does lead to overdetection and overtreatment. The cancer detection rate is 40% higher with testing, but to prevent one death from prostate cancer more than 1400 men would need screening and 48 would be unnecessarily treated. The era of the PSA is over.

Screening for Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
What are the best approaches to screen for breast cancer, especially in premenopausal women? Breast thermography is compared to mammograms, CT scans, MRIs, and breast examination. The basis for breast thermography is explained.

Self Foregiveness with Belinda Farrell

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Healing is related to self forgiveness. We only make a certain amount of energy every day and it is easy to waste it. Forgiveness is a way of eliminating these energy suckers.

Serum B12 Levels Do Not Assess Deficiency Adequately

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
A new study documents that poor vitamin B12 status is a risk factor for brain atrophy and cognitive impairment and  highlights the importance of its metabolites that are not routinely assessed. Higher levels of several markers of vitamin B12 deficiency, especially methlmalonic acid (MMA), homocysteine, 2-methycitrate, and cystathionine, are associated with...

Sex: Is it the High Point of a Woman's Day?

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Recent surveys show this is true! When the activities of the day are compared this is not surprising. Sex drives vary as estrogen levels drop with age or if testosterone is increased. Len and Vicki have fun with this topic!

Sharing Prescription Medications

submitted by: admin on 09/27/2024
Compassion leads us to share our pain medications with people we care about when we think they might help. There are many non prescription options for pain relief that are reviewed: DMSO, ice, heat, physical therapy, emu oil, copper bracelet, magnets, acupressure, glucosamine/chondroitin, proteolytic enzymes,

Sharp Minds for the Elderly

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The importance of mental exercise is highlighted to prevent mental decline. Many tips for this are discussed. Any activity that extends the level of mental activity is helpful. Music therapy, social clubs, movies, etc all help.

Shifting Medicine from Disease Care to Health Care

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  We cannot sustain a sick care health system and must shift to a true health care system where prevention is the cornerstone of medical practice. In my book, A Return to Healing, I present a 5 point plan that could help encourage a health care paradigm. This program includes: Funding exercise programs both nationally and locally and in every academic...

Should Statins Be Sold Over the Counter?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Merck wants to make Mevacor an over the counter drug. This would no doubt sell more drug, but also be giving a dangerous drug to people who do not need it. Its side effects are dangerous.        

Should we Ban Celebrity Endorsements?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  A study in the March issue of the Journal of Pediatrics out of the University of Liverpool showed that celebrity endorsements worked very well on 181 kids between the ages of 8-11 when it came to preferring a certain brand of cereal. However, celebrities endorse many products they know little about. Why do we trust them? Should you believe either...

Should We Use Insects in Medicine?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Insects have been used as treatment in medicine for centuries. Leeches have been used to manage the pain of osteoarthritis, bee stings for pain, and maggots for skin ulcers. A report in Archives of Dermatology in Dec of 2011 showed that maggots worked to debride large ulcers in diabetic. This treatment was compared to surgical treatment and was superior at one...

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