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Eggs, Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Cholesterol is needed by the body to make bile salts for digestion, vitamin D, hormones, neurotransmitters, and cell membranes. The ratio of total cholesterol to HDL provides a metric for the development cholesterol plaque. Lowering cholesterol with drugs may have value for some situations, but it can be lowered too much and create other serious problems.        

FDA May Allow More Drugs Over-the-Counter

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  The FDA is considering allowing more drugs to become over-the-counter as their patents run out. This, of course, would make it possible for Big Pharma to make greater profits. However, there are serious challenges related to safety in using drugs such as statins and drugs for type 2 diabetes that would emerge. Most people are not sufficiently educated...

FDA Restricts Use of High Dose Statins

submitted by: admin on 04/12/2015
The FDA is recommending that physicians restrict prescribing high-dose Zocor because of an increased risk of muscle damage that can lead to pain and also the release of large amounts of myoglobin from muscle from a process called rhabdomyolysis, which can lead to renal failure and death. They also warned that the use of several anti-fungal agents such as Sporonox,...

FDA Warns Statins Increase Blood Sugar and Cause Memory Problems

submitted by: admin on 01/17/2015
The FDA has officially linked all statins with cognitive problems like forgetfullness and confusion as well as with a 25% increased risk for an elevated blood sugar level and possible association with type 2 diabetes. Statins are the best selling drugs on the market and are used by 21 million people in the US each year. Of course, there are all the other side...

Heart Attacks

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Heart attacks are the leading cause of death in the US, yet a hundred years ago they were a rarity. Artiosclerotic heart disease is a preventable disease that is nearly always reversable by living a health lifestyle. Heart attacks are an epigenetic disease caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, insufficient sleep, being overweight, being exposed...

High Dose Statins Associated with Increased Risk of Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
A meta-analysis showed that high dose statin therapy as primary prevention caused an increased risk for type 2 diabetes. The article published in JAMA goes on to say that treatment of 32,000 non-diabetics with 5 years high dose statin treatment caused 149 more cases of type 2 diabetes, but 416 fewer cardiovascular events.This is a very misleading journal article...

How to Prevent and Manage Statin Induced Myalgias

submitted by: admin on 10/02/2013
  Statin drugs to lower cholesterol are complicated to use, and for this reason are often misused. There are nine different drugs and there are major differences in their solubility in water or fat, effects on insulin resistance, where they are detoxified, and how much they interfere with coenzyme Q10 levels in the body. The synthesis of both cholesterol...

Lowering Cholesterol: What Does it Do?

submitted by: admin on 05/05/2024
Lowering cholesterol is not directly correlated to stopping arteriosclerosis and extending life. Inflammation is the cause and should be the primary target. Statins have serious side effects but have value in some people. Berberine causes more cholesterol receptor to form that bind with cholesterol and thereby lower its levels.

Preview: Blood Pressure Pills

submitted by: admin on 05/05/2024
When you make the decision to use a pharmaceutical drug to manage your blood pressure, you also need to understand that there are common side effects that may be problematic. The different classes of anti-hypertensives is reviewed and their common side effects highlighted. Both mainstream and CAM approaches to managing high blood pressure are reviewed.

Should Statins Be Sold Over the Counter?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Merck wants to make Mevacor an over the counter drug. This would no doubt sell more drug, but also be giving a dangerous drug to people who do not need it. Its side effects are dangerous.        


submitted by: admin on 04/12/2015
  For primary prevention of heart attacks there's no data showing that there's an increase in survival. And there are many side effects of statins that are problematic such as liver inflammation, peripheral neuropathy, muscle inflammation, type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, global amnesia. Lifestyle is still the major way to stop and reverse heart...

Statins and Cancer Risks

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Statins were shown to be cancer producing in animals but may actually lower the risk in humans. Data shows a possible minor benefit in this regard but they should not be used for this purpose because of other side effects.        

Statins Cause Fatigue

submitted by: admin on 08/23/2016
  A study published in Archives of Internal Medicine in June of 2012 showed that people using statins had a much higher incidence of decreased energy and fatigue upon exertion. Forty percent had worsened energy or fatigue with exertion; 20% had both, and 10% were severely effected. Other known side effects of statins include liver disease, muscle pain,...

Statins Cost 400% More in the US than the UK

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
In the US the cost for statins for people under age 65 and who have insurance is about 400% higher than in the UK according to an article in the journal Pharmacotherapy. There are also about 1/3 more prescriptions sold in the US. The power of Big Pharma is mind-boggling. There is a desperate need to rein their power and create a system based on service rather...

Statins, Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Big pharma is promoting that the use statins far more safe and our MDs have been trained to believe this. There are two types of statins, fat soluble such as Mevacor, Zocor, Lipitor and Lescol and water soluble, such as Pravachol and Crestor. The fat soluble statins must be detoxified in the liver before they become active. Using them with other drugs that need...

Statins: Who Should Use Them?

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Statin usage is way overused in medical practice. These drugs have significant side effects that can severely compromise our health. Lifestyle is a superior way to manage arteriosclerosis.        

The Cholesterol Myth with Lani Simpson, DC

submitted by: admin on 05/05/2024
When should cholesterol be treated? Cholesterol is essential for life. We must have it to make vitamin D, most hormones, cell membranes and coenzyme Q10. The fractions of cholesterol are important in predicting arteriosclerosis.

The US is Prescription Happy

submitted by: admin on 04/12/2015
  Four billion prescriptions were filled in the US in the year 2011 and at a cost of $227 billion according to the World Pharmaceutical Market Summary. The top five therapy classes of drugs were statins, antiulcerants, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and antihypertensives. The top five drugs sold were, Lipitor, Plavix, Nexium, Seretide, and Crestor....

Treating Congestive Heart Failure as Energy Deficiency

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Congestive heart failure is caused by a deficiency of energy in the heart. The definition, symptoms, and mechanisms of heart failure is provided. Drugs can be lifesaving, but treating the cause of of heart failure should also be considered. Modern testing of energy production by the mitochondria is possible today. The role of statins in causing heart...

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