submitted by: admin on 11/25/2024
Sleep is one of the most important lifestyle factors. Prolonged insomnia leads to inflammation and a whole host of illnesses that include hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, overweight, and suppressed immunity. There are hormonal imbalances as well, that include insulin, leptin, ghrelin, adrenal hormones and neurotransmitters that cause profound...
submitted by: admin on 11/25/2024
Acupuncture has been touted to help stroke victims, but a study was done showing that it doesn't work. The study suffered from selection bias. Placebo effect is discussed. Getting better should be the bottom line, not whether or not the beneficial effect is placebo.
submitted by: admin on 11/25/2024
April 22, 2011
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki explore the following topics:
Hospital errors
Preventive drugs
Indictment of Glaxo attorney
Flu vaccine development
Can antidepressants cause breast and ovarian cancer?
Fish oil for depression
The role of spirit in treating asthma
Probiotics for urinary tract infections
Probiotics for respiratory illness in male...
submitted by: admin on 11/25/2024
Prescriptions for Health Radio Show May 6, 2011Dr. Len and Nurse VIcki explore the following topics:
The influence of salt in primary prevention of heart attacks and strokes
Intestinal microflora types
Diet for diabetics: The ketogenic diet
Insomnia causes type 2 diabetes
Why night owls tend to put on weight
Ideal blood sugars increase mortality in people...
submitted by: admin on 11/25/2024
Weekly Health Update Week of: Monday, May 30th, 2011 Courtesy of: Tim Schroeder, D.C. (530) 583-7475 - "A riot is the language of the unheard." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. . Mental Attitude: Smile And Mean It!
Customer-service workers who fake smile worsen their mood and withdraw from work, affecting their productivity. On the other hand,...
submitted by: admin on 11/25/2024
This is an extensive overview of stroke. The cause of most strokes is the result of interrupted blood flow to the brain from plaque, clots, and bleeding. Transient ischemic attacks are often the warning of an impending stroke and it is a medical emergency. Guidelines for recognizing and managing stroke are reviewed. The importance of a healthy lifestyle...
submitted by: admin on 11/25/2024
Monday April 1, 2013
How to Manage Cartilage Tears and Osteoarthitis of the Knee
A study of 351 patients over age 45 with knee pain, cartilage tear, and knee osteoarthritis were treated with arthroscopy or physical therapy and evaluated after 6 and 12 months. One third of the physical therapy group...