Doctor Saputo Radio - archive

submitted by: admin on 03/03/2025

Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki, as she is so affectionately known, have been providing cutting edge mainstream and complementary and alternative health information for their audience for more than a decade. Their Prescriptions for Health call in talk show airs on on the first and third Friday morning and their Fastrack Edition of Prescriptions for Health every weekday morning. You can tune in on the Internet all over the world on to listen to Dr. Len's tirades and Nurse Vicki's humor as they discuss the practice, political, financial, preventive, and philosophical perspectives of todays health care challenges.

Live Prescriptions for Health and "Fastrack" Shows on

Become a member of one of our wellness programs and you will receive priority email call-ins to ask Dr. Saputo, Nurse Vicki or any of their special guests questions regarding any of your specific health issues!


Prescriptions for Health Radio with Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki is now broadcasting on the Progressive Radio Network.

Listen to Prescriptions for Health the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month!

Noon-1pm  (PST)


Prescriptions for Health Radio has gone national. We are now broadcasting live on the Internet through the Progressive Radio Network out of New York. All shows will be archived and are available 24/7.





Progressive Radio Network



Prescriptions for Health "Fastrack" Shows are now in Video 
Friday        June 3, 2011 



Brisk Walking Helps Prostate Cancer

Men with prostate cancer that is localized to the prostate can improve their outcomes if they walk briskly for at least 3 hours a week. This high-intensity exercise delayed and possibly even prevented the progression of their disease as they were found to have a 57% lower rate of progression of disease than men walking at a slower pace. They also found that brisk exercise lowered the risk of dying from the disease. Previous studies show that vigorous physical exercise reduced the risk of getting prostate cancer.

Brisk Walking Helps Prostate Cancer (Video)

Prescriptions for Health "Fastrack" on Demand 
May 30 - June 3, 2011

Monday             5-30-2011

Bill Gates on Vaccines

Tuesday           5-31-2011

NSAIDs and The Heart

Wednesday     6-1-2011

Are MDs Sleep Deprived?

Thursday         6-2-2011

How Much Calcium Does Your Body Need?

Friday               6-3-2011

Brisk Walking Helps Prostate Cancer

Prescriptions for Health on Demand Archives

Prescriptions for Health

Missed last week's show?  Would you like to listen to Prescriptions for Health past shows? Our Prescriptions for Health Library archives past shows so you can tune in at your convenience.

"Fastrack" shows  

Almost all our audio pages are Fastrack shows from the past six years.  Almost every topic imaginable about mainstream and complementary and alternative medicine are in these pages.  Many Fastrack shows have featured special guests who are experts in their fields.  For Fastrack audios, search the library by subject or by a guest name.  You will find links to the most current Fastrack Shows on this page. These shows are on demand and require no downloading or media player for your convenience.

Prescriptions for Health Radio Show Archives

Prescriptions for Health Radio Show "Fastrack" Archives

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