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Do You Need A Flu Shot?

submitted by: admin on 11/05/2014
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review the history of the swine flu and the politics leading to its being defined a pandemic. You will learn the inside story of the collusion and corruption from the WHO, CDC, and White House. The lack of good science is revealed.      

Does the Flu Vaccine Increase the Risk for Getting the Flu?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  The scandalous swine flu vaccine is still being promoted by the CDC when it is clear that the vaccine is unproven to be of value, may not be safe, may increase the risk for getting the flu, and that its seriousness is no worse than the common cold. Nonetheless, two counties and many hospitals in northern California are mandated that health care professionals...

Don't Underestimate the Power of Big Pharma

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  Merck Pharmaceuticals murdered 50,000 people by causing heart attacks and strokes from their drug, Vioxx, that they knew would cause these problems, yet they still withheld this information from the FDA and the general public. Merck's internal records that we supoened under the Freedom of Information Act dislosed that they were aware of these problems...

Dr. Saputo Radio, Cutting Through the Confusion About Ebola

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2014
  Dr. Len and nurse Vicki break down the real facts about Ebola in this 20 minute radio show! Why has Ebola attracted international attention that is freaking out millions of people around the world? Is there an actual pandemic? True enough that there have been more deaths this year than combined since 1976, and that has people worried. However,...

Dreaming Heals Emotions

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  Stress chemicals such as nor-epinephrine shut down and the brain processes emotional experiences during REM sleep according to new research coming out of UC Berkeley that is published in the journal, Current Biology. During REM sleep memories are reactivated, put in a perspective, and connected and integrated, but in a state when stress neurochemicals...

Drug Company Kickbacks to Doctors and Pharmacists

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  The US government is filing a law suit against the drug company, Novartis, for giving $65 million kickbacks to physicians and pharmacists to prescribe Lotrel, Valturna, Starlix, and Myfortis over the past decade. These kickbacks were in the form of dinners at high end restaurants, cash, rebates, and discounts.  One extreme example is from...

Drug Reps Do Not Inform MDs About Dangerous Drug Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  An article published in the April issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine documented that drug reps fail to inform MDs about dangerous side effects in 59% of cases. Yet these MDs still reported that they we still likely to prescribe these drugs. This is against the law as well as immoral, but there is no resource to monitor what happens in...

Ductal Carcinoma in situ: Cancer or Benign?

submitted by: admin on 05/03/2024
Between 30 and 50% of new breast cancer diagnoses are found on mammography screenings and are classified as ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS. Most of these "cancers" are not cancer at all. In fact about 97% are benign lesions that can be followed over time quite safely. Most cases of DCIS would be better off under-diagnosed and under-treated. Unfortunately,...

Elective Surgery and Conflicts of Interest

submitted by: admin on 05/03/2024
How do you know if the doctor that is doing your elective surgery doing what is best for you?  If you were to go to another region, would you find the doctors there would use another method?  If you have breast cancer, how do you know whether you need a mastectomy or a lumpectomy? Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki discuss what you can do to make sure...

Ethical Issues in Medical Research

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Yale School of Medicine researchers found a clinical trial with neurontin was a seeding trial used by Big Pharma to promote the drug and increase prescriptions. Seeding trials are not illegal but are unethical because they offer no research. They took advantage of 2700 patients and 772 investigators to complete the publication. These people gained nothing for...

Excessive Usage of Health Care

submitted by: admin on 05/03/2024
Health care costs are no longer affordable. We have a model based on getting sick rather than on staying well. This is a failed system: half of us have a chronic disease, the system is not safe, and we cannot afford to sustain it.

Falsifying a Resume, Is it Common Among Research Physicians?

submitted by: admin on 05/03/2024
There is big money and prestige in medical research and examples are cited. About 1.5% of researchers anonymously admitted falsifying data. The clinical consequences are serious.

Fast Tracking Big Pharma's Drugs

submitted by: admin on 05/03/2024
Certain drugs should be made available as soon as possible. However, generally this approach leads to a conflict of interest between the FDA and Big Pharma that brings drugs to market much easier.

FDA May Allow More Drugs Over-the-Counter

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  The FDA is considering allowing more drugs to become over-the-counter as their patents run out. This, of course, would make it possible for Big Pharma to make greater profits. However, there are serious challenges related to safety in using drugs such as statins and drugs for type 2 diabetes that would emerge. Most people are not sufficiently educated...

FDA Pulls Darvon Off the Market

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
After 50 years the FDA is pulling Darvon off the market. What took so long and what does it reflect in terms of how the FDA works and how Big Pharma withholds what it knows about the side effects of its drugs. Thousands of people have died from heart rhythm disturbances. The lack of ethics, the conflicts of interest, and the dishonesty of the pharmaceutical industry...

FDA Restricts Use of High Dose Statins

submitted by: admin on 04/12/2015
The FDA is recommending that physicians restrict prescribing high-dose Zocor because of an increased risk of muscle damage that can lead to pain and also the release of large amounts of myoglobin from muscle from a process called rhabdomyolysis, which can lead to renal failure and death. They also warned that the use of several anti-fungal agents such as Sporonox,...

FDA Stalls on Evaluating Avandia

submitted by: admin on 05/03/2024
  Even though Avandia increases both heart attacks and heart deaths the FDA has been lax in dealing with this problem. The incestuous relationship between the FDA and Big Pharma is disclosed.

FDA Supplement Regulation

submitted by: admin on 05/03/2024
Should supplements be regulated by a competent FDA is a legitamate question. There are too many false claims on supplements and regulation is limited by the FDA. There is also a political aspect involving Big Pharma, physicians, and the supplement industry that gets heated. There are about 10,000 hospitalizations caused by use of supplements, but millions from...

FDA Warns of Prostate Cancer Risk with Avodart and Proscar

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
The FDA is requiring that Avodart and Proscar manufacturers disclose that there is an approximately 50% increased incidence of high grade prostate cancer with their usage. It also pointed out that they are not approved for prostate cancer prevention. These drugs block the conversion of testosterone to dihydro-testosterone, which is believed to be one the causes...

FDA Warns Statins Increase Blood Sugar and Cause Memory Problems

submitted by: admin on 01/17/2015
The FDA has officially linked all statins with cognitive problems like forgetfullness and confusion as well as with a 25% increased risk for an elevated blood sugar level and possible association with type 2 diabetes. Statins are the best selling drugs on the market and are used by 21 million people in the US each year. Of course, there are all the other side...

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