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Are You Making the Right Choice About the Covid 19 Vaccine?

submitted by: admin on 05/25/2021
The policies of the CDC, FDA, and NIH have been sanctified by highly questionable motives of politicians, powerful individuals with nefarious agendas, and a controlled mainstream media. There is clearly another side of the story about the Covid 19 vaccines that has been censored. This has led to a real pandemic, one based on confusion,...

Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 02/17/2015
The incidence of breast cancer has increased substantially over the past hundred years and yet there has not been sufficient time for our genes to have mutated to account for this change. This means that there are a wide range of epigenetic factors that must account for the abrupt increase. If you get breast cancer it is vital that you find a practitioner...

Bringing Transparency to Big Pharmas Research

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  The European "FDA" or European Medicines Agency (EMA) is in the process of opening its drug industry's research to independent researchers  so they can test company claims and expose product deficiencies. This will bring long sought after transparency to Big Pharma's research and claims made on their behalf. Both the FDA and...

Bruce Presnick, DC

submitted by: admin on 03/03/2025
    Bruce Presnick, DC Chiropractor Background Dr. Bruce Presnick is a chiropractor who has been in private practice since 1978. He has a post-graduate degree in Chiropractic Orthopedics and specializes in sports injuries, carpal tunnel, post-trauma, fitness, and holistic approaches to health. His purpose is to help people achieve...

Camu Camu with Amazon John Easterling

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Clear your mind and brighten your day with this highly nutritious fruit that is indigenous in the Amazon. Its unique profile of unique ingredients helps clear the mind. It is very rich in vitamin C. John suggests possible mechanisms of action.      

Canadians Recommend Fewer Mammograms

submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
  The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care now recommends mammograms every three years, no self breast examinations, and no clinical breast exams. They believe these procedures cause too many needless biopsies, mental anguish, and over treatment. This also leads to massive overtreatment of DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) which is only life-threatening...

CDC Recommends Swine Flu Vaccine Long After the Epidemic

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
All the hullabaloo of the swine flu fiasco, the CDC continues to recommend the H1N1 vaccine. The truth behind this bizarre recommendation is discussed.            

CDC Says 2013 Flu is now an Epidemic

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  According to the CDC influenza has reached epidemic proportions. The "exaggerati" are back at work spreading fear and panic to the American people. After the lies and deception the CDC published durig the swine flu in 2009-10 it is amazing they have the audacity to continue spreading their propaganda. It seems that the people benefiting...

Censorship and Covid 19

submitted by: admin on 07/31/2020
Censorship and Covid 19   The level of censorship by the news regarding Covid 19 has become a major problem in the US. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube have become tools for suppression of information that is not mainstream. Freedom of he press has been compromised and freedom of speech is in jeopardy.  Because of conflicts...

Congress and Lobbyists in Washington DC

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Lobbyists from Big Pharma and the insurance industry spent $500 million trying to bribe congress to limit health care reform. It worked. We must understand this a take action to stop the process.          

Cutting Through the Confusion About Ebola

submitted by: admin on 10/24/2014
Why has Ebola attracted international attention that is freaking out millions of people around the world? Is there an actual pandemic? True enough that there have been more deaths this year than combined since 1976, and that has people worried. However, this is not a pandemic.  Why is the US and WHO so interested in Ebola in West and Central Africa....


submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
  Ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS, makes up 25% of breast cancers and is lethal in only 1-2%. Failure to differentiate leads to massive overtreatment, significant emotional and physical disability, and unnecessary treatment and costs. There is a desperate need for better screening tests. Many of these cancers spontaneously disappear.            

Do Mammograms Do More Harm Than Good?

submitted by: admin on 03/03/2025
Mammograms under age 50 are controversial. The prestigious Cochrane Study Group concluded that they lead to overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Mammograms use x-rays to differentiate tissue density that is normal or cancerous; this is very difficult in women under age 50 because they have dense breast tissue that is similar to that of breast cancers. It takes almost...

Do You Need A Flu Shot?

submitted by: admin on 11/05/2014
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review the history of the swine flu and the politics leading to its being defined a pandemic. You will learn the inside story of the collusion and corruption from the WHO, CDC, and White House. The lack of good science is revealed.      

Do You Need the Swine Flu Vaccine?

submitted by: admin on 03/03/2025
Do you need to take the swine flu vaccine? Some medical centers require taking the vaccine. Scare tactics are a powerful tool to intimidate people into taking the vaccine. The CDC has been concealing their data regarding the need for the vaccine. CBS did its own study on the incidence of swine flu and their numbers were much lower than those of the CDC. One person...

Doctor Saputo Radio - archive

submitted by: admin on 03/03/2025
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki, as she is so affectionately known, have been providing cutting edge mainstream and complementary and alternative health information for their audience for more than a decade. Their Prescriptions for Health call in talk show airs on on the first and third Friday morning and their Fastrack Edition of Prescriptions for Health every...

Does Tamiflu Work?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  The World Health Organization and the CDC class Tamiflu as an essential drug and many countries have stockpiled the drug at great expense. However, in a recent article in the Public Library of Science, this premise is being challenged. Roche Pharmaceuticals has refused to release the scientific research related to this question. The public is paying...

Does the Flu Vaccine Increase the Risk for Getting the Flu?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  The scandalous swine flu vaccine is still being promoted by the CDC when it is clear that the vaccine is unproven to be of value, may not be safe, may increase the risk for getting the flu, and that its seriousness is no worse than the common cold. Nonetheless, two counties and many hospitals in northern California are mandated that health care professionals...

Dr. Len Saputo on the true path to healing humanity, with Mike Adams, The Health Ranger

submitted by: admin on 06/02/2020

Dr. Saputo Radio, Cutting Through the Confusion About Ebola

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2014
  Dr. Len and nurse Vicki break down the real facts about Ebola in this 20 minute radio show! Why has Ebola attracted international attention that is freaking out millions of people around the world? Is there an actual pandemic? True enough that there have been more deaths this year than combined since 1976, and that has people worried. However,...

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