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About Inflammation

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Inflammation as a cause of chronic diseases is described and defined.  The roles of cytokines and brown fat are explained.  A lifestyle that includes exercise, stress reduction, sleep, weight management, and a healthy diet is a powerful antidote. Cholesterol is a marker of inflammation, not the cause of it. Addendum: This is an excellent review...

General Wellness Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 04/18/2015
Dr. Saputo's General Wellness Health Assessment asks questions about your lifestyle and its deficiencies, what physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges you are faced, and what you can do to deal with them using mainsteam and CAM approaches.   We cannot be healthy if we don't live a healthy lifestyle. If all of our cells are healthy it...

What You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana

submitted by: admin on 04/18/2015
  A study of 19 patients in a convalescent hospital in Israel using medical marijuana showed that it is helpful  to improve appetite, ease pain, reduce tremors, improve mood, concentration, communication skills, and improve sleep. Permits for medical cannabis in Israel increased from 400 in 2009 to 11,000 now. Cannabis has been used for 2000...


submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
Autoimmunity is preventable and treatable, usually without drugs. Modern medicine has potent drugs that can save lives in extreme situations such as anaphylaxis or angioedema by suppressing symptoms, but only occasionally does it deal with underlying causes. The cause of autoimmune conditions is related to overstimulation of the immune system from a toxic environment...

Weight Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  Dr. Saputo's Weight Health Assessment asks you questions about your appetite, how much you weigh, where you carry your weight, the role of stress, insomnia, and depression in your life, and what you are doing to control your weight. You will be referred to a myriad of audio and videos that will help you understand more about why you're overweight...

Type 2 Diabetes Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  Dr. Saputo's Type 2 Health Assessment assesses what you what your risk factors are for type 2 diabetes, what are doing to control your diabetes in terms of drugs, supplements, and lifestyle, and reviews medications that can predispose to developing type 2 diabetes.   Type 2 diabetes is usually a preventable and reversible disease once...

Menopause Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  Dr. Saputo's Menopause Health Assessment asks you about your symptoms, treatment with drugs, hormones and supplements, and lifestyle factors that can be helpful in managing symptoms of menopause. Based on this information he provides audios and videos that will help you understand what can be done to help you manage this problem better.   Lifestyle...

Lifestyle Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  Lifestyle is our most powerful medicine, is safe, and within our control to use. Even our genetic code, DNA, is clearly modifyable through lifestyle practices. Our belief system also has a powerful effect on our health; examples are provided. Phamacological drugs can be lifesaving, but compared to lifestyle medicine they are usually minor players.   Dr....

Hypothyroidism Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland makes insufficient thyroid hormone. It is characterized by slowed metabolism that is expressed by dry skin and hair, constipation, sluggishness, fatigue, weight gain and slowed concentration. In the video below, the condition is described and the physiology reviewed. The basis for the BioEnergy test is explained.   Dr....

Hypertension Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  Hypertension is caused most of the time by lifestyle habits that can be improved to make a major difference in your blood pressure. Mainstream medicine looks to the quick fix with an array of anti-hypertensive drugs that can work, but at the price of a multitude of known and unknown side effects that can be disabling or even lifethreatening. Most people...

Depression Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  You will gain a much better understanding of how depression is affecting your whole self and about what your options are for treatment.   There are many factors involved in assessing what has caused depression as well as what can be done to manage it. This assessment begins with an analysis of lifestyle factors that address diet, exercise,...

Cancer Prevention Strategies Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
    If you want to be proactive about preventing cancer this is the Health Assessment for you. We will ask you questions about lifestye factors that include your diet, exercise, sleep, stress, weight, exposure to sunlight, and exposure to environmental toxins and provide you with information that can help you maximize your body's ability...

Arthritis Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  In our Arthritis Health Assessment we will ask you about the kind of arthritis you have, how it interferes with your lifestyle, and what you can do that is safe and effective to reduce or eliminate your symptoms. Mainstream and CAM approaches to treatment reviewed and discussed. There are many different types of arthritis but all of them are caused...

Overview on the Importance of Exercise

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Lifestyle is our most potent medicine and exercise is especially important for quality of life and longevity. There is no more powerful anti-aging medicine on the planet! The amount and intensity are important and the value of interval training is discussed. There are a myriad of benefits of exercise that include raising HDL cholesterol, lowering blood...

Causes of Eating Disorders

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Eating disorders (bulimia and anorexia) are frequently triggered by traumatic events such as severe grief, relationship problems, or abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual) when there is insufficient support from family or friends. Eight million people suffer from these conditions and 20% will die within 20 years, 35% will recover, and the remaining 45% will suffer...

When You Eat Affects Your Weight

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  When it comes to weight, when you eat may be as important as what and how much you eat according to an article in the May 2012 issue of Cell Metabolism. When mice on a high fat diet are restricted to consuming their meals (with the same number of calories) over eight hours as opposed to 24 hours, they gain less weight, had less fat in their liver,...

Modest Weight Loss has Lasting Health Benefits

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Overweight and obese people can benefit from a decade of health benefits by losing just 10% of their weight, even if they regain this weight later in the decade. This reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 58%. This minimal weight loss has been shown to have benefits on the long term impact of sleep apnes, high blood pressure, mobility, and overall...

How to Lose Weight on a High Fat Diet

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Research from the University of Jerusalem published in FASEB shows that a scheduled high fat diet leads to weight loss because of increased fat burning. Snacking upsets this process. A previous study published in Cell Metabolism in early 2012 showed that feeding rats the same number of calories over 24 hours rather than over 8 hours also led to weight...

Weight Loss Takes More Than Will Power

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Weight loss takes much more than will power. There are many reasons why people become overweight that must be dealt with in order to lose and sustain weight loss. There are endocrine causes such as thyroid, adrenal, and ovarian causes as well as diet, exercise, PTSD, insomnia, environmental toxins, many drugs, and quitting smoking that are involved in weight...


submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
How to Deal With Weight Issues Succsessfully Weight loss programs don't work! Today's weight management programs don't work over the long haul! Yet there is a $52 billion market that continues to convince overweight people that there is hope if they use the program or product offered by a particular company. This results in yo yo weight changes...

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